Monday, June 27, 2011

Swallow This...

Roommates Since I started College:

College Dorms:
Brandon Wolsic “B-ROC”
Campanile Apt:
Brandon Wolsic, Jake Mallory, Sergio Villegas, Paul Shields and “Mormon” Dave Rich.
Oakridge House:
Fall Semester: Sergio Villegas, Paul Shields and Mormon Dave
Spring Semester: Sergio Villegas, Paul Shields, Scott Holthaus and Mike Whitney.
La Mirage:
Scott “Scotty the Body” Holthaus, Mike “Gary Busey” Whitney, Jake Mallory, Colin “PDA Carl Weathers” Richardson and Marshall Parks.
Todd House:
Scott Holthaus, Jake Mallory, Colin Richardson, Nina “Muffin Ass” Irigaray, Oscar “Stunt Cock” Dominguez, “Dancin” Dave Holthaus, “4skin” Chris Erickson
Doug House AKA the Chalcedony House:
Scott Holthaus and Colin Richardson, (I was the guy on the couch)
Tannis House AKA the Missouri House:
Scott Holthaus, Colin Richardson, Mormon Dave, Dancin Dave and Chris Erickson
San Clemente:
Tiffany Steinkamp
HB House:
CJ “the Chazz” Kenyon
Sandstone Cove/Nathanial George Manor/The HoBS:
CJ "The Chazz" Kenyon
Travis Smith
Rachel Pratt
Brian "Bri~man" Blocker

Total # of different roommates:
18 (10 apts) - 1999-2011

Number of Times I have moved / Places I have lived:

Born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Moved to Bethel Park, PA (Pittsburgh)
Moved to Westlake Village, CA (LA)
Moved to Hawthorn Woods, IL (Chicago)
Moved to Buffalo Grove, IL (Chicago)
Moved to SDSU Dorms (San Diego)
Moved to Campanile Apts (San Diego)
Moved to Oakridge House (San Diego)
Moved to La Mirage (San Diego)
Moved to the Todd House (San Diego)
Moved to Papa Wood’s House (Torrance)
Moved to the Doug House (San Diego)
Moved to the Tannis House (San Diego)
Moved to Tiffany’s House (San Clemente)
Moved to Doug House (San Diego)
Moved to Huntington Beach (19th st)
Moved to Costa Mesa, CA (Woodsborough Estates)
Moved to Newport Beach, CA (Sandstone Cove/NGM/The HoBS)

I have moved 18 times in 28 years.
I have moved 13 times in the past 12 years.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Around Town

The brainchild of my close friend and founder, Mackenzie Harder, offers a cool, scintillating new take on Southern California Frozen Yogurt with a "Go Green" attitude.

Nuyo Frozen Yogurt offers between 10 and 16 flavors of frozen yogurt depending on location.

Just like with Nuyo's yogurt, it's goal with toppings is to provide a variety of options to satisfy everyone's wide-ranging tastes and lifestyles. So you can expect to find over 50 toppings, with choices ranging from fruits and granola to Oreos® and hot fudge sauce.

July's flavor of the Month: Cookies and Cream

Check out Nuyo's website for healthy facts and locations

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Swallow This...

This is an article that I found on the internet regarding my old High School football team...
I am extremely surprised yet disgusted at the same time...
I attended 1995-1999.
Although, this occurred my Freshman year in college...when i was a Sophomore in HS...i often have the painful memories of running from the Varsity and they would be yelling, " Hey Woody! have you ever had your oil checked?"...

Ex-prep football player sues over 1999 hazing
STEVENSON HIGH Ex-teammates, coach named

June 30, 2009
BY MARK J. KONKOL Staff Reporter/
A 1999 Stevenson High School football player who was sodomized with a broomstick and a banana by his teammates as part of a violent hazing ritual filed a lawsuit last week against his attackers, coaches and former school.
Stamatios Shinas, now 25, who says he was hazed and sexually abused three times, told reporters Monday his attackers took his "pride" and "self-respect" and left him psychologically scarred for life.

Attorney Blake Horwitz, left, talks to client Stamatios Shinas, right, a former Stevenson High School student who claims he was sodomized during hazing for the varsity football team 10 years ago. (Jean Lachat/Sun-Times)

"I don't trust anyone anymore," Shinas said.
Shinas' lawsuit filed in Cook County Circuit Court seeks damages from former Stevenson football players Blake Cooley, David Davis, Alex Holden and Tiquion Clay, who currently is serving 120 years in prison for raping a 78-year-old Vernon Hills woman in May 2001- Wow! are you serious?

The four Pioneer players each pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges in Lake County stemming from the 1999 hazing. Davis and Cooley were charged with battery but pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct charges for their part in the incident. They were fined $100 and placed on supervision.

Holden pleaded guilty to four counts of disorderly conduct and Clay pleaded guilty to one count. Holden and Clay were sentenced to community service, fined $100 and required to write a 300-word essay on respect for other students.

Shinas' civil lawsuit also targets 1999 varsity coaches Craig Sincora, Bob Mackey, Paul Swan, Lee Jonathan, Mike Fitzgerald, Mike Warren and Bill Mitz. None of the coaches was charged criminally. Shinas' attorney, Blake Horwitz, said the coaches were included in the civil lawsuit because they allegedly were aware of the hazing and did nothing about it.

Stevenson High School officials declined comment, according to the principal's assistant.
Shinas said he waited 10 years to file the civil lawsuit because his two brothers attended Stevenson and he did not want them to be ridiculed because of what happened to him.

The lawsuit does not include a price tag sought for damages, but Horwitz said Monday he's seeking more than $1 million.

But more than money, Shinas said said the goal of the lawsuit is to make sure "this will not happen again, so someone can play football or any other sport they wanted in peace."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"That Guy"

Danny Trejo
You May know him best as:
Navejas “Knife thrower” in

Swallow This...

This is for my friends in the OC especially those in the Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach Area.
The Orange County chapter of MADD honored local law enforcement at a luncheon and awards ceremony.
About 350 uniformed officers dined as 24 of their fellow officers were given the 2009 Century Award for making 100 or more arrests for suspicion of driving under the influence during 2008. (DUI’s)
2009 Century Award Recipients
Quadruple Century, 400 or more arrests
Motor Officer Tai Huynh
Huntington Beach Police Department
445 arrests ~ 1.22/day
(He won the Cavanaugh Award last year with 467 arrests ~ 1.28/day)

14 out of 24 officers awarded in the OC were from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach. Please be careful guys; cabs are much safer and cheaper. I was Officer Huynh’s lucky # 351 in 2008.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Legend of Chuck Norris

While urinating, Chuck Norris is easily capable of welding titanium.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009